You see, there are two types of marketing pro-active marketing and reactive marketing. Reactive marketing is hoping that buyers come to you, pro-active marketing is seeking out buyers and prospecting on a daily basis. A few examples of reactive marketing are putting a home on the MLS, putting a home on the internet, putting a for-sale sign in the ground, and putting a lockbox on your door. Quite frankly as a homeowner you can do all of that yourself, your agent must bring more value to the table than that, you deserve more.
Proactive marketing is an approach that top agents take where we seek out buyers for your home and don't just wait for them to come to us. A few example of some proactive marketing I implement for my clients are as follows. I get in touch will my buyer's leads and let them know about your property and its features and benefits. I call the agents in the area that work with the most buyers and ask them what their clients are looking for to see if your property would be a fit. I reach out to people currently selling their homes because obviously they're looking for somewhere else to move. Just in general, I'm calling people in the 5 mile radius of your home because stats show that 90% of all people that move, do so within a 5 mile radius of their current home.
What really separates me from all the agents in this area is my referral network in Hoboken and NYC. I've built relationships with agents/brokers in Hoboken and NYC where if they have a past client looking to move out to the suburbs, (which is quite often) I pay them a 25% referral fee to service their clients. This is a huge plus to my seller's because essentially I am expanding their buyers pool unlike any other agent is.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me,
Kyle Kovats, New Jersey Realtor
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