Monday, June 24, 2013

Does Social Media Help Sell Homes?

The answer is both yes and no.

If you're expecting to get your home sold strictly through social media networks such as facebook, twitter, or instagram, I'm sorry to say that you're sadly mistaken. However, these social networks can definitely be valuable assets to a realtors business. For example, for the clients that I work with, I make them a facebook fan page of their home. On this fan page I basically describe in full detail the features and benefits of both the home and the surrounding area with links of what to do and where to go. To check out a sample facebook fan page I made, check out this link here . Let me add that, I really don't think you can expect to sell a home on facebook, however for buyers that are new to the area and want to know more, this is a valuable outlet for them to do so.

On that facebook fan page you will notice that the pictures actually look pretty professional, I thank our friends over at instagram for that. Instagram is a valuable tool for taking pictures of homes you are trying to sell, nothing more, nothing less. Let me just reiterate, you are not going to get your home sold on instagram.

Twitter in my opinion is pretty much useless in regards to selling a home. The only value that twitter brings to the table is letting an agents center of influence know that they have a listing. It can't kill you to post it though as the ROI is infinite.

So how do you get homes sold? Well, in today's market, most housing searches begin on the internet. It is very important that your agent be up to date with the most popular real estate websites and has a sufficient SEO system that will get your listing featured. Also, make sure that your agent is someone that you like and trust. Keep in mind the typical sales process from original list date to closing is anywhere from 4-6 months, so you're going to have to deal with this person on a weekly basis for 4-6 months.

If you have any questions on getting your home sold whether you're an agent or a home owner feel free to comment below.

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